Problem with the Log Robot

We are sorry, but the SAC Log Robot  have problem with log in the LOW Power Category. Currently all Low Power logs is handled as High Power.

We will fix this bug shortly and will also reclassify already submitted logs in the Claimed Score listings.

UPDATE 12th of October 19.30 UTC:
The bug has been fixed and we have re-scored all logs. All categories are now updated. If you feel something still is wrong, please send us an email! You may also submit your log again until the deadline on Sunday  19th of October 2359 UTC.

SAC CC Teamleader


SAC SSB 11-12 October

The Scandinavian Activity Contest on SSB 11-12 October 1200-1159 UTC. All Scandinavias are excited to hear your voices with or without the Aurora flutter.

Remember to read the rules. Note that we have introduced more operator categories, sponsored plaque program and we have shortened the log submission deadline to 7 days after the contest. So please submit your log directly after the contest has ended.

Aurora is fantastic to view, but can do great harm to the ionospheric shortwave conditions in Scandinavia and it makes every SAC an adventure. Will we be hit or not?

Watch the amazing Aurora Boralis from Finland in this video made by Hannu Hoffrén.

SAC Contest Committee