Awards and plaques are on their way…

The awards and plaques for 2012 years SAC CW and SSB are on their way for the top scoring stations. More than 400 awards will be brought to the post office tomorrow.

All participants are able to download their own award by clicking on the ranking number when in the result lists. Note that only awards for 2012 and 2013 are available. Search for your call in the search form.

What are your plans

It ‘s only a couple of weeks left until SAC CW. What are you plans for SAC 2013? Let others know by announcing your activity.

Go to the Announce Form and add your data! You can submit and change your entry as many times as you like.

Enter SAC 2013 dates into your calender

A short reminder: This years SAC is taking place 21-22 September on CW and 12-13 October on SSB.

Make a note already now in your calendar for two nice weekends with lot of Scandinavian stations on the shortwave bands. While planning, take a tour the web-site and look for your past results in the results database. We are looking forward to see you again in the Polar Battle 2013.

SAC SSB 2012 Final Results

The results from SAC SSB 2012 are now published.

This years SSB contest will go to the history and tales of bad propagation and I think everyone suffered a lot. But lot of people hang in and made the contest a good one to remember.

Kudos to Finland! The Finish ‘sisu‘ showed the other Scandinavian countries, that you have to have stamina and lot’s of good antennas to withstand bad propagation. The Scandinavian Cup was won by Finland with a big margin, leaving Sweden on second place and Norway on the third.

Even abroad the Finns made fantastic scores. Kim OH6KZP traveled to the LX7I station and made a new European record in the SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED category, while Ville OH2MM went to Brasil and PY2ZEA with a new South American Record in the SINGLE-OP class.

In the SINGLE-OPERATOR LOW POWER Category RV9CBW at RF9C broke the new Asian record.
DF3FS was at CR3L and was the first one to get a record in the SINGLE-OPERATOR-ASSISTED category for Africa.
The MULTI-ONE team of LZ5R with operators LZ1UK, LZ3RR and LZ4UU broke the new record for Europe.

Go to the Results menu (see above) and check your result. All UBN logs are public, click on a call to view a specific UBN.

73 and see you in 2013 again!
SAC CC Teamleader

SAC CW 2012 Results Published

The results for SAC CW 2012 are now published.

We are happy to see that the interest for SAC CW is still going strong with more than 1200 submitted logs. The Polar Battle victory found its way to Finland again, leaving Sweden on the second place, followed by Norway and Denmark.

In an effort to increase transparency, the checked logs of all SAC participants are open to the public. They are just a click away. Click on your call in the listings to see the UBN-file. Please send questions, information on any problems to Downloadable PDF Awards will be available after the SSB result is ready.

This year we enforced the rule that forbids operation below 3510 kHz and each QSO found in that region has been given zero points and no multiplier credit, but no further penalty.

Currently we are working with SSB logs and hope to publish them in a couple of weeks.

SAC SSB is over – Time to submit your log

The SAC SSB 2012 is over and we suffered from extremely bad propagation during the weekend. Still many stations kept up the spirit and endured the whole race.

Before you submit your log, take extra care and check that you have entered the correct category according to the rules. Note that there are different sets of categories within or outside Scandinavia. If you are outside Scandinavia you may use the DX-cluster, but if you do, you must enter the Assisted category as a Single Operator.

Please submit your log, using our log-robot at
If you encounter any problems, you may submit your log again. If problems persists, contact us by email

Log deadline is the 28:th of October 23:59 UTC.

In hopes of continually developing the event, the contest committee is looking for your feedback.
Please go to Feedback SAC 2012 and tell us about your opinions before November 18, 2012.

SAC SSB 13-14 October

It’s time to warm up for the SSB part in the Scandinavian Activity Contest. Over 300 Scandinavian stations with their exotic fluttery signals were on the air in September’s SAC CW, with about 1200 total logs submitted. This promises a large and exciting turn-out on all sides of this popular “Polar Battle” also on SSB!

  • SSB 13 – 14 October 1200 – 1200 UTC

Things To Do:

A reminder from the rules:
The 3.5 – 7 – 14 – 21 – 28 MHz frequency bands may be used according to the IARU HF Band Plan.
On 3.5 MHz, Region 1 stations must not transmit below 3510 kHz on CW or above 3790 kHz on SSB.

SAC CW 2012 is over

SAC CW 2012 is over. The activity was high and the contest logs are pouring into the log robot. Thanks to all participants, for making SAC a great contesting experience. We are impressed over the big QSO numbers from outside Scandinavia.

The log-robot stood up well with its first pile-up and we saw about 250 logs received the first hour after the contest. If you get trouble with the robot, please check your Cabrillo log. If you logged on paper there are several possibilities to make a Cabrillo log. You may use the PC-program SACMan or you can try WA7BNM’s SAC CW web form for entering your QSO’s.

If your are confused about the different classes in SAC, please take a look at the rules. Note, there are different classes for non-Scandinavians and Scandinavians.

The deadline for SAC CW logs is on Sunday September 30 23:59:59 2012 UTC

Next round…

… in the SAC Polar Battle is the SAC SSB contest 13 – 14 October 1200 -1200 UTC