You may now download you own award from SAC 2011.
Go to the result pages (menu above) and look for your 2011 result. In the listing, click on the number in the RANK column for downloading the award PDF-file. If you click on your call, you will get the UBN-file. If you notice anything wrong in the listings or in the award, please email us:
SAC 2012 Introduces National Team Contesting
Last year’s SAC entailed many general developments, including open logs and log checking reports, and new categories to make the contest more attractive to non-Scandinavians. Still, there are always things to develop further. For example, the important Scandinavian Cup has practically always been a simple (although very tough!) OH-SM affair, and the spectator aspects of the contest have been lacking.
This year SAC is teaming up with the popular online scoring site to dramatically improve the real-time features of the contest. Scandinavian national teams of six stations from different categories will compete in a new “contest within a contest” for country and glory. The teams, chosen by each national league, will use real-time scoring and, in many cases, provide real-time audio and video from their efforts through the above-mentioned website to appease curious spectators.
SAC will be the first annual ham radio contest to showcase the use of real-time technology in this spectator-directed manner. Coupled with the prestigious competition between national teams, it is hoped that a significant boost in media interest and excitement among the ham population will result. Simple briefs to help with outreach to journalistic outlets will be provided in English for use by the national leagues, contest clubs, and local hams.
See National team contesting trial SAC-2012 for further information on the national team contesting rules.
Note: The SAC National Team Contesting Trial is a trial and is done in parallel with the traditional Scandinavian Cup.
The site has been updated
As you may have noticed, the site has been updated with a new design. Furthermore, the results are now searchable. Try it yourself and filter out your favourite score listing.
Next thing to do is to add on-line awards. Stay tuned!
Final results are now accurate
The final results are now accurate. A few checklog entries remain to be added, together with participation certificates for everyone. We ask for your patience while the webmaster works on this.
SAC 2011 SSB Logchecking Finished
The logchecking of this year’s Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB is now complete. The final results will be published on in the next days, with the CW results having been online since 1.5 weeks ago (a few minor category changes to be made by the webmaster). Further extended write-ups on the results will come in due course.
The winner award plaques have now been ordered, and immediate work will focus on making the public logcheck (“UBN”) files available online and on shipping out diplomas as soon as possible. Again, if you would like to have early access to your UBN file, please e-mail
Looking at the number of participants, SAC 2011, dubbed the “Polar Battle,” has been a smashing success. A total of 2290 logs were received on CW and SSB combined, breaking the previous record by about 350 logs. Most of the increase can be traced to a tripled participation by Team Finland and a 50-% increase in non-European SSB logs compared to 2010. Thanks to all for your efforts!
SAC 2011 CW Results Published
The CW part of the Scandinavian Activity Contest 2011 turned out to be a well-attended first leg of the famed Polar Battle. Based on log analysis, over 450 Scandinavian, 1400 other European, and 700 non-European stations were on the air and increased the SAC buzz, with a total of 1196 logs submitted. Special thanks and congratulations go to Team Finland for the unprecedented effort to fill the battlefield with signals from OH land! It will result in certain retaliation from the SM brothers next year, to be followed by LA and OZ, making it all the more fun for all involved.
A number of new categories were introduced and a new log upload form was used this year. Post-submission quality assurance efforts to ensure the placement of top stations in the correct entry categories took place through both personal contact and the analysis of extensive data sets. Especially the Assisted category for non-Scandinavians found its target audience and made SAC as a regional contest more enjoyable to many entrants. Congratulations to DL6FBL and UW1M (op. UR5MW) for around 900 QSOs with Scandinavia, a new record by an enormous margin!
The SAC rules forbid IARU Region 1 entrants from operating under 3510 kHz. Analysis based on Reverse Beacon Network and log data indicates (statistical confidence level > 99%) that at least the following Region 1 participants have called CQ and claimed credit for QSOs in the more QRM-free window: LA2AB (op. SP2ASJ), LN3Z (op. LA6YEA), LN5O (op. LA6FJA), OH0X (op. OH2UA), OH0Z (op. OH6EI), OH2BH (op. OH6UM), OH2PM, OH2VB, OH4M, OH5DA (ops. OH5DA, DJ9DZ), OH5NE, OH8A (ops. OH8WW OH8DR), OH9R (op. OH2BBM), OH9W (ops. OH2BCI OH2FHN OH2FPK OH2KM OH2LQ OH2TA OH5BQ), OZ2TF, OZ4CG, OZ4FF, S54X, SE5E (op. SM5AJV), SJ2W (ops. SE2T SM2LIY SM2WMV SM3JLA), SK3GM (ops. SM3PHM SM3VAC), SK4DM (op. SM4DQE), SM0A (op. SM0AIG), SM0W (op. SM0WKA), SM6BGG (ops. SM6BGG SM2BJS), SM6CPY, RA9AP, RU3SF, RW6AH, UN6P, YO9AGI, and ZC4LI. We encourage all to read the contest rules carefully before participating, and wish to remind that future logs will be explicitly penalized for infraction of this rule.
In an effort to increase transparency, the checked logs of all SAC participants will henceforth be open to the public. They will be placed on this website once formatting is finalized. Many have noted that the website robot sometimes adds a multiplier or two into its claimed score calculation; however, these are disregarded in the logcheck and the final results. Please send questions, information on any problems, and early requests for your checked log to
Work is currently under way on the over 1050 logs that were submitted for SAC SSB. We hope to produce the final results of the Battle as soon as possible, now that solutions are in place for the unforeseen hickups.Congratulations to the CW winners, we hope that all will enjoy the lively bands in CQWW SSB!
OH6KZP – 2011-October-25