Morten LB8DC new member in SAC CC

We are happy to welcome Morten LB8DC (ex. LA9DFA) as a new member in the SAC Contest Committee.

After several years of not having a representative from Norway, Morten LB8DC is now entering the committee. Morten is working in the IT industry, so his computer skills together with being a seasoned contester and DX:er will be very valuable for the committee.

SAC CC Teamleader


SAC CW Today -Turn on your radio!

Scandinavian Activity Contest on CW starts today on Saturday 15 September 12.00 UTC!

It’s time ladies and gentlemen, to enter the airwaves with your diths and dashes. Turn on your radio and bring your HF signals towards Scandinavia! We are eager to work you every band possible, so don’t be surprised if you are asked to make a quick QSY to another band.

Don’t forget to read the rules!

73 & Have fun!

Connect to Scoreboard Too!

To get and give extra kick to operating, and also to give the public the opportunity to follow the progress of the competition, join the scoreboard.

For several years it’s been done in and SAC CW is already opened on the page. Instructions how to connect for each software can be found under “Help“.

Another one has started last year and opened service for SAC Instructions and other info is available at

See you and your scores in SAC!

SAC CC / Tomi OH6EI (personally gathering courage to join the scoreboard)


SAC 2018 Rules Clarification

We have had some questions regarding our new rule addition in §6. Contest Exchanges. Please read our clarification:

  • Use zero (000) as received serial number if you work and log a station that doesn’t send a serial number.
  • Do not enter a “fake” number if you log a station that doesn’t send a serial number.
  • QSO’s with zero in the received serial number field will not give QSO points nor multiplier points.
  • QSO’s that we find with “fake” numbers will be lost, and may also lead to further penalties.Please use fair play and good sportsmanship during SAC!

    SAC CC

SAC Polar Battle – Round One

The contest committee is pleased to invite you to the first round in the SAC Polar Battle 2018.

The first round is on CW:

15-16 September, 12:00 UTC – 11:59 UTC

Please take a look in the updated rules and choose a suitable entry category. The updates include changes in the Multi Operators Single Transmitter category and how you should deal with stations not sending a serial number in their report. All updates are marked with red. Please read the rules before the contest!

Announce your activity
Don’t forget to announce your own activity. Doing so will inspire others to join and make their own challenges. Those who have already signed up can be seen at Annouced operations CW and SSB. If you need to change your entry, just email us at

Sponsored Plaques
Thanks to the generous contributions of many individuals, there are several Sponsored Plaques available for both Scandinavian and non-Scandinavian operators to pursue. Please take a look at the last years sponsored plaque program and pick your target.

Frequency Limits
We would like to remind you about the frequency limits that was implemented last year:
CW : 3510-3560, 7000-7040, 14000-14060, 21000-21070, 28000-28070 kHz
SSB: 3600-3650, 3700-3800, 7060-7100, 7130-7200, 14125-14300, 21151-21450, 28320-29000 kHz
Note: QSO’s outside these limits will be given zero points and no multipliers in the log checking.

Invite your friends
This website functions as the SAC information hub, but SAC also has a social media presence, and you can “like” the SAC Facebook page. Please invite your ham friends!

Propagation predictions
Make your own VOACAP predictions! Jari OH6BG have refurbished his site and it’s easier than ever to make predictions. Give it a try!

73 & CU!
SAC Contest Committee

Ingemar SM5AJV, Team leader
Tomi OH6EI
Henning OZ1BII

Rules 2018

The rules for SAC has been updated for 2018 and we have only made two minor changes in the rules this year.

The first change, is in the MULTI OPERATOR SINGLE TX category.  We have now removed the 10-minute rule for the Multiplier Station. The RUN-station still have to remain at least 10 minutes on the band after a change of frequency band. It’s also important to indicate RUN and MULT station in the log. We hope this change will make Multi-Single category more attractive, allowing for serious multiplier hunting.

The second change, is how to deal with stations that don’t give out a serial number. We want you to put 000 into the log, not 001, 073 or some other random number.

Clarification (added 2018-09-11):

  • Use zero (000) as received serial number if you work and log a station that doesn’t send a serial number.
  • Do not enter a “fake” number if you log a station that doesn’t send a serial number.
  • QSO’s with zero in the received serial number field will not give QSO points nor multiplier points.
  • QSO’s that we find with “fake” numbers will be lost, and may also lead to further penalties.

Frequencies to be used
We would also like to remind everyone of last years rule change regarding allowed frequencies. In 2017 a couple of participants missed the rule and lost all QSO’s that was made outside the allowed frequencies. 

CW : 3510-3560, 7000-7040, 14000-14060, 21000-21070, 28000-28070 kHz
SSB: 3600-3650, 3700-3800, 7060-7100, 7130-7200, 14125-14300, 21151-21450, 28320-29000 kHz.

As always, read the rules before the contest!
The changes in the rules are marked with red.


SAC 2017 Plaque Status

We would like to inform about the current plaque status for SAC 2017.

All the sponsored plaques should now have reached all happy winners, if not please tell us, The regular plaques are unfortunately delayed, and will be shipped later, hopefully within a couple of months. So please be patient.

In the meantime, prepare for this years Polar Battle. The CW part takes place 15-16 September and the SSB is on 13-14 October.

SAC Contest Committee

SAC 2017 – Final Results

The SAC 2017 results are now final.

Check out the final result by exploring the Result menu above. If you want to download your own award, simply click on the rank number left to your call in the result listing. To view the UBN-file, click on the callsign.

We would like to congratulate all winners of our regular and sponsored plaques!

73 & CU!
SAC Contest Committee

Ingemar SM5AJV, Team leader
Tomi OH6EI
Henning OZ1BII

SAC Winners 2017 – SCANDINAVIA


Single operator All band High power – OH6EI (op. at OH0Z)
Single operator All band Low power – LB4UH (op. at LA2AB)
Single operator All band QRP power – OH3RF (op. at OH3RF)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – OH5BM (op. at OF5R)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – OH1CQ (op. at OG5N)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP power – SM0LPO (op. at SB0A)
Single operator All band Tribander/Single Element High power – OH6QU (op. at OH6QU)
Single operator Assisted All band Tribander/Single Element Low power – OH1CQ (op. at OG5N)
Single operator Assisted All band Wire-only High power – OH2LZC (op. at OH2LZC)
Single operator All band Wire-only Low/QRP power – SM0EOS (op. at SF5O)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – OG9X, OH5CZ,OH5WH (op. at OF5Z)
Multi operator Multi transmitter All band High power – OH6KZP, OH6UM (op. at OF100FI/0)


Single operator All band High power – OH6KZP (op. at OH2BH)
Single operator All band Low power – LA5FBA (op. at LA5FBA)
Single operator All band QRP power – LA7WRA (op. at LA7WRA)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – OH1TM (op. at OF1F)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – OH2VT (op. at OH2VT)
Single operator Assisted All band Tribander/Single Element High power– OH2GEK (op. at OH2OO)
Single operator All band Tribander/Single Element Low power – OH6ECM (op. at OH6ECM)
Single operator Assisted All band Rookie High power – OH88T (op. at OH88T)
Single operator All band Rookie Low/QRP power – OH1XFE (op. at OH1XFE)
Single operator All band Wire-Only High power  – OH2LH (op. at OH2LH)
Single operator All band Wire-only Low/QRP power – LA5FBA (op. at LA5FBA)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – OH2BH, OH2MM (op. at OH0B)
Multi operator Multi transmitter All band High power – OG9X, OH5CZ, OH5KS, OH5L,F OH5TS, OH6XX (op. at OF100HQ)

SAC Winners 2017 – AFRICA


No entries.


Single operator All band High power – ZS1OIN (op. at ZS1OIN)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – OH2BP (op. at EA8DED)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – 7X2GK (op. at 7X2GK)

SAC Winners 2017 – ASIA


Single operator All band High power – RU9AC (op. at RU9AC)
Single operator All band Low power – RL8C (op. at RL8C)
Single operator All band QRP power – UN7EG (op. at UN7EG)
Single operator All band Assisted High power – R8TT (op. at R8TT)
Single operator All band Assisted Low power – RU9TN (op. at RU9TN)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP power – UN8PT (op. at UN8PT)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – R8LA, RA9LY (op. at RT9L)


Single operator All band High power – R8WF (op. at R8WF)
Single operator All band Low power – TA4RC (op. at TA4RC)
Single operator All band QRP power – VU3SIO (op. at VU3SIO)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – 9W2VWT (op. at 9M4COK)

SAC Winners 2017 – EUROPE


Single operator All band High power – R1TE (op. at RM1T)
Single operator All band Low power – RA3Y (op. at RA3Y)
Single operator All band QRP power – YO9AGI (op. at YO9AGI)
Single operator All band Assisted High power – UT5UJO (op. at UT4U)
Single operator All band Assisted Low power – UR3GU (op. at UR3GU)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP – UT3EK (op. at UT3EK)
Single operator Assisted Low band High power – RU4SO (op. at UA4S)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – HA7TM, HG5DX (op. at HG7T)


Single operator All band High powerd – SM6LRR (op. at RT2A)
Single operator All band Low power – RA3Y (op. at RA3Y)
Single operator All band QRP power – LZ1ND (op. at LZ1ND)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – HA4XH (op. at HA3DX)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – US0YW (op. at UR2Y)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP power – G1TPA (op. at G1TPA)
Single operator Assisted Low band High power – 9A9A (op. at 9A9A) NEW RECORD!
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – IT9SSI, IT9YVO (op. at IT9YVO)

SAC Winners 2017 – NORTH AMERICA


Single operator All band High power – K8MFO (op. at K8MFO)
Single operator All band Low power – VE3DZ (op. at VE3DZ)
Single operator All band QRP power – K3TW (op. at K3TW)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – K1GQ (op. at K1GQ)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – N2KW (op. at AA2A)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – N1SOH, W1FM (op. at N1SOH)


Single operator All band High power – K3ZO (op. at K3ZO)
Single operator All band QRP power – K3TW (op. at K3TW)
Single operator All band Assisted Low power – K1NZ (op. at K1NZ)

SAC Winners 2017 – OCEANIA


Single operator All band High power – 9M6XRO (op. at 9M6XRO)
Single operator All band Low power – YC1ME (op. at YC1ME)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – VK2OXZ (op. at VK2OXZ)
Single operator Assisted Low band High power – ZL3TE (op. at ZL3TE)


Single operator All band High power – YB8QT (op. at YB8QT)
Single operator All band Low power – YG3DFB (op. at YG3DFB)
Single operator All band QRP power – YG3CYS (op. at YG3CYS)
Single operator Assisted High power – YB3DY (op. at YB3DY)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – YD3RJL (op. at YD3RJL)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP power – YD3VRY (op. at YD3VRY) NEW RECORD!
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – YD1IDQ, YD1BJG, YD1JQH (op. at YE1ZAL)

SAC Winners 2017 – SOUTH AMERICA


Single operator All band Low power – PY4ARS (op. at PY4ARS)
Single operator Assisted All band High power – PY4RGS (op. at PY4RGS)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – PY4XX (op. at PY4XX)


Single operator All band Low power – PY1AX (op. at PY1AX)
Single operator All band Assisted High power – PY5QW (op. at PY5QW)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power – PT7ZT (op. at PT7ZT)
Multi operator Single transmitter All band High power – CE2RTF, CE2SQE (op. at CE2LS)



For non-Scandinavian single operators (CW + SSB combined, unless otherwise mentioned)

Worked most LA – US5D (Sponsor: Morten Kvernmoen, LB8DC)
Worked most OH – RA3Y (Sponsor: Kim Östman, OH6KZP)
Worked most OZ – G3SWC (Sponsor: Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA)
Worked most SM – RT2A (Sponsor: Kurt Brännäs, SE2T)
Worked most TF – US5D (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
Best YL/XYL – OK1DVA (Sponsor: Veijo Kontas, OH6KN)
Best AF – OH2BP (op. at EA8DED) (Sponsor: Jari Talkara, OH1BOI)
Best NA – N2KW (Sponsor: Hans Johansson, SM0IMJ)
Best SA – PY4RGS (Sponsor: Tomas Vikman, SC3A)
Best Baltic – LY3BB (Sponsor: Jyrki Nieminen, OH6CS)
Best UK + Republic of Ireland – G3TXF (Sponsor: Olof Lundberg, G0CKV)
Best European Russia – RA3Y (Sponsor: Anton Teterin, OG2K)
Best Asiatic Russia – R8TT (Sponsor: Kurt Brännäs, SE2T)
Best Belgium + The Netherlands – ON5JT (Sponsor: Zaba Hubach, OH1ZAA)
Most QSOs – HA4XH (op. at HA3DX) (Sponsor: Tomi Ylinen OH6EI)
Most multipliers – I2WIJ (Sponsor: Arto Liimatta OH2KW)
CW: Best BY – BG7BDB (Sponsor: Mats Ericson, SM4EPR)
CW: Best JA – JH1OGC (Sponsor: Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG)
CW: Best accuracy (at least 200 QSOs) – YL3JM (Sponsor: Tore Andersson SM0T)
CW: First over 1000 QSOs – No entry (Sponsor: Jörg Pamp, DF6JC)
CW: Best HS/E2 – HS0ZIA (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)
CW: Best Sunday score, 00-12 UTC – EU8U (Sponsor: Peter Sundberg, SM2CEW)
SSB: Best BY – No entry (Sponsor: Ville Lintervo OH1JD)
SSB: Best JA – JH1OGC (Sponsor: Kari Viitamäki, OH6FSG)
SSB: First over 1000 QSOs – No entry (Sponsor: Jörg Pamp, DF6JC)
SSB: Best HS/E2 – HS0ZIA (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)

For Scandinavian single operators

CW + SSB: Best YL/XYL – OZ7EA (Sponsor: Ulf Melin, SB3W)
CW + SSB: Best SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden – SM0MDG (op. at SE0X) (Sponsor: Tord Julander, SM3EVR)
CW + SSB: Most multipliers – OH2PM (Sponsor: Santa Claus OH9SCL)
CW: Best young operator (under 25) – no entry (Sponsor: Mika Liimatainen, OH6NVC)
CW: Best accuracy (at least 300 QSOs) – OH8MBN (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Best SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden – SM0CXU (op. at SM2U) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)
CW: Best Low Power Single Wire – SM0EOS (op. at SF5O) (Sponsor: Kenneth Lykke Poulsen, OZ1BIZ)
CW: Best Sunday score, 00-12 UTC – OH2PM (Sponsor: Peter Sundberg, SM2CEW)
SSB: Best SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden – SM5AQD (op. at SG8X) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)

SAC 2017 SSB Preliminary Results

The SAC 2017 SSB preliminary results are ready. 

Propagation in SAC SSB 2017 was challenging and we got only 673 participants that sent in their log, most with very low QSO numbers. We have to go back 10 years to see such low activity. Thanks to all that didn’t give up and stayed on the air the whole contest.

This year, the frequency rule caused trouble for some participants. QSO’s in a non-contest frequency segment is scored to zero points and no multiplier.

Please check your score and UBN! Click on your call to see the UBN result.
If you find that something is wrong, please e-mail us:

SAC Contest Committee