SAC 2017 CW Preliminary Results

The SAC 2017 CW preliminary results are ready. 

Please check your score and UBN! Click on your call to see the UBN result. If you find that something is wrong, please e-mail us:

  • Scandinavia: CW
  • Africa: CW (no entries)
  • Asia: CW
  • Europe: CW
  • North America: CW
  • South America: CW
  • Oceania: CW

SAC Contest Committee
SM5AJV, OZ1BII, OH6EI (LA slot currently open)

SAC SSB Deadline is soon

Thanks to all who participated in SAC SSB 2017!

Some seasoned SAC’ers said that this was the worst propagation ever in SAC’s long history. So we are impressed that so many stations still kept going despite extremely low QSO rates.

The log submission deadline is on Friday 20th of October 23.59 UTC.

Please submit your Cabrillo logs to the Robot !
All types of logs, small or big are important for the log checking. If you have any trouble submitting the log, please email us:



Your Contest-story are wanted

SAC CW is over and we received 1047 Logs before deadline – Thanks to you.
SAC SSB is upcoming and we look forward to receive a lot of logs too.

Now we want to hear your contest story and see some pictures of your station, your antenna(s) and yourself.
Your contributions will (eventually) be used in the upcoming 2017 Booklet.
We look forward to receive many good Contest stories and pictures from your 2017 SAC participation!

Send your material to


SAC CW is over – Feed the Robot!

As the CW part of the contest ended on Sunday evening the Robot received several hundred of contest logs. After less than 24 hours we have got 700+ submitted logs.

Please don’t forget the new deadline: 5 days!
The Robot will not accept any logs after 22 September 23.59 UTC.

All logs are of interest, big or small, all will contribute to a better log checking.

If you have any problems submitting the log, please contact us on

SAC CW is soon

The contest committee is pleased to invite you to the CW part:

16-17 September, 12:00 UTC – 11:59 UTC

We are hoping to see lively bands with a minimum amount of aurora and polar flutter! Please take a look in the updated rules and choose a suitable entry category.

Announce your activity
Don’t forget to announce your own activity. Doing so will inspire others to join and make their own challenges. Those who have already signed up can be seen at Annouced operations CW and SSB.

Sponsored Plaques
Thanks to the generous contributions of many individuals, there are several Sponsored Plaques available also for Scandinavian operators to pursue. Please take a look at the sponsored plaque program and pick your target.

Frequency Limits
We have now implemented  the IARU Region 1 band plan.
CW : 3510-3560, 7000-7040, 14000-14060, 21000-21070, 28000-28070 kHz
SSB: 3600-3650, 3700-3800, 7060-7100, 7130-7200, 14125-14300, 21151-21450, 28320-29000 kHz

Invite your friends
This website functions as the SAC information hub, but SAC also has a social media presence, and you can “like” the SAC Facebook page. Please invite your ham friends — within Scandinavia and beyond — to visit these sites and to participate in this autumn’s contest.

Propagation predictions
OH6BG, Jari, is providing us with an excellent SAC propgation prediction service. Just select CW or SSB and put in your QTH-locator in order to get personal propagation charts for all SAC areas.

73 & CU!
SAC Contest Committee

Ingemar SM5AJV, Team leader
Tomi OH6EI
Henning OZ1BII

Rules for 2017

The rules for SAC has been updated for 2017.

The biggest change in the rules, is that we now have adopted the IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan:

Frequencies to be used
CW : 3510-3560, 7000-7040, 14000-14060, 21000-21070, 28000-28070 kHz
SSB: 3600-3650, 3700-3800, 7060-7100, 7130-7200, 14125-14300, 21151-21450, 28320-29000 kHz. According to the IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan, read more about the bandplan at the IARU web.

We have also tightened the log submission deadline from 7 to 5 days after the contest is finished

As always read the rules before the contest!


SAC 2016 – Final Results

The final results for SAC 2016 are ready. 

This year the number of participants are almost the same as last year, see table below. In total we received 1988 logs this year.

2012 1198 934
2013 1327 1047
2014 1133 1088
2015 1158 802
2016 1144 844

Check out the final result by exploring the Result menu above. If you want to download your own award, simply click on the rank number left to your call in the result listing. To view the UBN-file, click on the callsign. A PDF Results Booklet will be released in the near future, including the tabulated results, soapbox comments, and longer contest stories and photographs collected from a number of SAC participants.

We would like to congratulate the following winners of our regular and sponsored plaques:

Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW

Single operator All band High power — Mikael Larsmark, SM2WMV (op. at SJ2W)
Single operator All band Low power — Svein Bergstøl, LA3BO (op. at LA3S)
Single operator All band QRP — Jukka Klemola, OH6LI
Single operator Assisted All band High power — Timo Pohjola, OH1TM (op. at OH1F)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Panu Vallius, OH7CW
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — Mikael Karlsson, SM0LPO (op. at SB0A)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Rookie — Niko Vanhatalo, OH5CZ
Single operator All band High power Tribander/Single-element — Christian Quale, LA8OM
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Tribander/Single-element — Jouko Häyrynen, OH1RX
Single operator All band High power Wire-only — Jyrki Nieminen, OH6CS (op. at OH6AC)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Wire-only
— Jan-Eric Rehn, SM3CER (op. at SF3A)
Multi operator Single transmitter
— Ville Lintervo OH1JD, Jaakko Tuominen OH1TX, Ville Hiilesmaa OH2MM (op. at OH1TX)
Multi operator Multi transmitter — n/a

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW
Single operator All band Low Power Africa — Felix Pardilla Gonzalez, EA8AVK

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Vladimir Falshunov, UA9KAA (op. at R8WF)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia —
Sergei Rebrov, UT5UDX (op. at P3X)
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Asia — Prasad Rajagopal, VU2PTT
Multi operator Single Transmitter AsiaR0AK

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Tomislav Polak, 9A2AJ
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Jo Pukhlik, UT5UJO (op. at UT4U)
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Victor Zagaynov, RU4SO (op. at UA4S)
Multi operator Single Transmitter EuropeHG7T

Single operator All band High Power North America — Don Karvonen, K8MFO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power North America
— Allen Singer, N2KW (op. at AA2A @K1TTT)
Multi operator Single Transmitter North America — William Spickler N0KQ, William Haddon N6ZFO (op. at N0KQ)

Single operator All band High Power South America — Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU (op. at PW2D)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power South America — Alexey Ogorodov, HC2AO
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power South America
— Jorge Diez, CX6VM

Single operator All band High Power Oceania — Frank Hunt, ZM2B
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Mawan Darmawan, YC1ME
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Oceania
— Gary Hinson, ZL2IFB (op. at ZM4G)

Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band High power — Kim Östman, OH6KZP (op. at OH2BH)
Single operator All band Low powerSvein Bergstøl , LA3BO (op. At LA3S)
Single operator All band QRP
— Markku Koskiniemi, SM3LDP (op. at 8S3DX)
Single operator Assisted All band High power
— Kari Korhonen, OH5TS
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Jan Erik Thomte, LA1DSA
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — Mikko Vayrynen, OH8EJW
Single operator All band High power Rookie — n/a
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Rookie
— Elias Viitanen, OH1XFE
Single operator All band High power Tribander/Single-element Claes Carneheim, SM0MPV (op. at 8S0C)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Tribander/Single-element
— Suonpää Jukka, OH3JP
Single operator All band High power Wire-only — Lars Dahlgren SM4DQE (op. at SE4E)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Wire-only
— Jan-Eric Rehn, SM3CER (op. at SF3A)
Multi operator Single transmitter OH2BH, OH2MM, OH8NC (op. OH0B)
Multi operator Multi transmitter OG9X, OH5CZ, OH5KS, OH5LF, OH5NQ, OH6XX (op. at OH5Z)

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band High Power Africa — Kari Hirvonen, OH2BP (op. at EA8DED)

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Vladimir Falshunov, R8WF
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia — Sergey S. Rebrov, 5B4AMM (op. at P3X)
Multi operator Single transmitter Asia RW9C

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (op. at RM5A)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Károly Nyemcsek, HA4XH
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Rimgaudas Almonaitis, LY3BB
Multi operator Single transmitter EuropeIT9SSI, IT9UFP, IT9YVO ( IT9YVO)

Single operator All band High Power North America — Fred Laun, K3ZO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — Gus Samuelson, VO1MP

Single operator All band High Power Oceania
— Vector Aliendry, YB5BOY
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Lee Moyle, VK3GK

Single operator All band High Power South America
— Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU
Single operator All Assisted band High Power South America — Steve Telenius-Lowe, PJ4DX

Outside Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques:

Worked most LA — Jiri Cernoch, OK2MBP (Sponsor: Morten Kvernmoen, LB8DC)
Worked most OH — Stefan Getzov, LZ2PS (Sponsor: Kim Östman, OH6KZP)
Worked most OZ — Boris Beznosko, EU6DX (Sponsor: Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA)
Worked most SM — Vladimir Falshunov, R8WF (Sponsor: Kurt Brännäs, SE2T)
Worked most TF — Donald A Karvonen, K8MFO (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
Best YL/XYL — Helga Ferrante, IN3FHE (Sponsor: Veijo Kontas, OH6KN)
Best AF — Kari Hirvonen, EA8DED (Sponsor: Jari Talkara, OH1BOI)
Best NA — David G Sumner, K1ZZ (Sponsor: Hans Johansson, SM0IMJ)
Best SA — Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU (Sponsor: Tomas Vikman, SC3A)
Best Baltic — Albinas Staraitis, LY2MM (Sponsor: Jyrki Nieminen, OH6CS)
Best Baltic Low Band — Rimgaudas Almonaitis, LY3BB (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR)
Best UK + Republic of Ireland — Juozas Piepalius, EI3KI (Sponsor: Olof Lundberg, G0CKV)
Best European Russia — Mikhail A. Sorokin, RN6A (Sponsor: Anton Teterin, OG2K)
Best Asiatic Russia — Yuri Kurinyi, RG9A (Sponsor: Kurt Brännäs, SE2T)
Most multipliers — Sergey Rebrov, UT5UDX (op. at P3X) (Sponsor: Anders Larsson, SM6CNN)
CW: Best BY — n/a (Sponsor: Mats Ericson, SM4EPR)
CW: Best JA — Ken Murakami, JA7ACM (Sponsor: Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG)
CW: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Wladyslaw Wdowczyk, SP1AEN (Sponsor: Svein Bergstøl, LA3BO)
CW: Best QRP outside Europe (> 150 QSOs) — Sergej Zuevich, RA0AY (Sponsor: Juha Cederlund, OH3RF)
CW: Best HS — Bob Kupps, HS0ZIA (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)
CW: Best Sunday score, 00–12 UTC — Konstantin Vakhonin, RU4SS (Sponsor: Peter Sundberg, SM2CEW)
SSB: Best BY — Huang Jian Peng, BD7IS (Sponsor: Esa Korhonen, OH7WV)
SSB: Best JA — Tsutomu Fukunaga, JH5MXB (Sponsor: Kari Viitamäki, OH6FSG)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Holger Wendt, DL7SP (Sponsor: Martti Laine, OH2BH)
SSB: Best HS — Ralph Browne, HS0ZHC (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)

Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques:

CW + SSB: Best YL/XYL — Ulla Normén, SM3LIV (op. at SI3A) (Sponsor: Ulf Melin, SB3W)
CW + SSB: Best SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Mikael Larsmark, SM2WMV (op. at SJ2W) (Sponsor: Tord Julander, SM3EVR)
CW + SSB: Most multipliers — Kim Östman, OH6KZP (at. OH2BH) (Sponsor: Anders Larsson, SM6CNN)
CW: Best young operator (under 25) — Niko Vanhatalo, OH5CZ (Sponsor: Mika Liimatainen, OH6NVC)
CW: Best accuracy
(> 300 QSOs) — Jan-Eric Rehn, SM3CER (op. at SF3A) (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Highest Scoring Multi Operator Remote — n/a (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
CW: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Mikael Larsmark, SM2WMV (op. at SJ2W) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)
CW: Best Low Power Single Wire — Jan-Eric Rehn, SM3CER (op. at SF3A) (Sponsor: Kenneth Lykke Poulsen, OZ1BIZ)
CW: Best Sunday score, 00–12 UTC — Pertti Simovaara, OH2PM (op. at OH0R) (Sponsor: Peter Sundberg, SM2CEW)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 300 QSOs) — Jan Erik Thomte, LA1DSA (Sponsor: Martti Laine, OH2BH)
SSB: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Håkan Eriksson, SM5AQD (op. at SG8X) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)
SSB: Highest Scoring Multi Operator RemoteSM0SHG, SA0BVX (op. at SD4C) (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)


SAC 2016 SSB Preliminary Results

The SAC 2016 SSB preliminary results are ready.

Please check your score and UBN file! If you find that something is wrong with either one, please e-mail us: After a few days from now, we will make the scores final for both CW and SSB, together with a list of plaque winners.


SAC Contest Committee