SAC 2016 CW Preliminary Results

The SAC 2016 CW preliminary results are ready. sac2016cw_preliminaryresults

Please check your score and UBN file! If you find that something is wrong with either one, please e-mail us: After a few days from now, we will make the score final and add a list of plaque winners.

  • Scandinavia: CW
  • Africa: CW
  • Asia: CW
  • Europe: CW
  • North America: CW
  • South America: CW
  • Oceania: CW


SAC Contest Committee
SM5AJV and OH6KZP (LA and OZ slots currently open)

SAC SSB this weekend

SAC SSB is hitting the airwaves this weekend 8 – 9 October 12-12 UTC. After the CW part in September with 1000+ participants, we are eager to hear your voices on SSB, with or  without Aurora flutter. Put on the radio and join the Polar Battle!


As you probably have noticed the strong hurricane Matthew is in progress towards US east coast and other countries in North America. We urge to every SAC SSB participant to be extremely careful during the contest and avoiding all types of interference to any emergency communications. The following frequencies that coincide with SAC SSB frequencies has been reported to be active for emergency traffic. As you can see there are many frequencies to remember, so please listen carefully.

3.720 MHz Cuba
MHz Cuba
Region 2: MHz Emergency Center of Activity Frequency

7.045 MHz Cuba (Alternate 2)
7.060 MHz Region 2: Emergency Center of Activity Frequency
7.080 MHz Cuba (Alternate 3)
7.110 MHz (LSB) Cuba (Primary)
7.120 MHz (LSB) Cuba (Alternate 1)

14.265 MHz (USB) International SATERN Net Health & Welfare Traffic
14.300 MHz Region 2: Global Emergency Center of Activity Frequency
14.325 MHz (USB) Hurricane Watch Net (HWN): ,

21.360 MHz Region 2: Global Emergency Center of Activity Frequency

Source: ARRL

SAC CW is over!

Thanks to everyone for participating in last weekend’s CW leg of SAC. Band conditions were reasonable, with the diminishing presence of 10m being balanced by nice DX openings on many of the other bands. Activity also seemed good on both sides of the Scandinavian borders.

As many of you noticed, the SAC website server crashed during the contest and was then offline for a few days, as if by grand and well-timed design by Mr. Murphy himself! Some 175 logs were submitted by e-mail to a temporary address, but we now encourage you to use only the customary robot at

We apologize for the inconvenience and uncertainty during the past few days, as our informational reflector e-mails and Facebook messages did not reach all those affected.

The log deadline for SAC CW has consequently been extended to Sunday 2nd of October, 23:59 UTC.

Now is also a good time to start training your voice and dusting off your best microphones. SAC SSB takes place on 8th-9th October, with plenty of Arctic action available!

SAC CW 2016 is Today!

Today Saturday 17th September at 1200 UTC is SAC CW hitting the ionosphere!

Set-up your logging program, tune up you radios and turn your antennas toward Scandinavia for this years Polar Battle on CW. Scandinavians will fill the bands, eager to make lot’s of QSO with all corners of the World.

Why not making the thrill of contesting even more interesting by uploading your summary sheet automatically to the real-time scoring board at ? It’s easy and most logging programs support this very nice feature.

SAC CW coming up

The contest committee is pleased to invite you to the CW part:

17-18 September, 12:00 UTC – 11:59 UTC

Be sure to reserve this weekend for the first round in the annual “Polar Battle.” Promotional efforts are under way, and we are hoping to see lively bands with a minimum amount of aurora and polar flutter! Please take a look in the rules and choose a suitable entry category.

Announce your activity
While at it, don’t forget to announce your own activity. Doing so will inspire others to join and make their own challenges. Those who have already signed up can be seen at Annouced operations CW and SSB.

Sponsored Plaques
Thanks to the generous contributions of many individuals, there are several Sponsored Plaques available also for Scandinavian operators to pursue. Please take a look at the sponsored plaque program and pick your target.

Frequency Limits
In addition to the 80m limits in the rules, please do your best to observe the IARU Region 1 band plan on the other bands. In compliance with the policies of IARU R1, the plan will be implemented in next year’s SAC rules. That makes this year a good time to practice!

Invite your friends
This website functions as the SAC information hub, but SAC also has a social media presence, and you can “like” the SAC Facebook page. Please invite your ham friends — within Scandinavia and beyond — to visit these sites and to participate in this autumn’s contest.

73 & CU!
SAC Contest Committee

Ingemar SM5AJV, Team leader
Henning OZ1BII

SAC plaques on the way

SAC-plaqueAll the regular SAC plaques for 2015  are now posted and we hope they will be delivered in a couple of days, or weeks at most. 

We appreciate an email to when your plaque has arrived, to give us feedback that everything went OK.


SAC 2015 Result Booklet

SAC-2015-Booklet (PDF) Click to downloadThe SAC 2015 Result Booklet is now ready and available in PDF format. In total 52 pages for you to read, with full contest results, along with contest stories written by various participants from different parts of the world. Thanks to all who contributed to the booklet, and to Flemming, OZ8XW, for taking care of the layout.




SAC 2015 – Final Results

We are pleased to announce the final results for SAC 2015. This year we had a small increase in participants on CW, compared to last year. But in the SSB leg we had a drop of almost 300 logs, probably due to the extremely bad propagation. In total we received 1958 logs. sac-award-2015

The SAC award has been re-designed with a new look. Download your own award by simply clicking the rank number in the result listing. To view your or someone else’s UBN, click on the callsign. A PDF Results Booklet will be released in the near future, including the tabulated results, soapbox comments, and longer contest stories and photographs collected from a number of SAC participants.

We would like to congratulate the following winners of our regular and sponsored plaques:

Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW

Single operator All band High power — Kim Östman, OH6KZP (op. at OH2BH)
Single operator All band Low power — Svein Bergstøl, LA3BO (op. at LA3S)
Single operator All band QRP — Arnfinn Roland, LB1JG
Single operator Assisted All band High power — Gunnar Widell, SM3SGP (op. at SK3W)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Ingemar Fogelberg, SM5AJV (op. at SE5E)
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — Anders Östlund, SM0THU (op. at SD0T)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Rookie — Niko Vanhatalo, OH5CZ
Single operator All band High power Tribander/Single-element — Christian Quale, LA8OM
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Tribander/Single-element — Lars-Göran Persson, SM6CUK (op. at SA6G)
Single operator All band High power Wire-only — Hannu Säilä, OH3WW
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Wire-only
— Henning Andresen, OZ1BII (op. at OU2I)
Multi operator Single transmitter
— Timo Klimoff OH1NOA, Timo Pohjola OH1TM (op. at OH1F)
Multi operator Multi transmitterOH2BCI, OH2BEE, OH2LQ, OH2TA, OH5BQ (op. at OH9W)

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW

Single operator All band Low Power Africa — Toni Betancor, EA8BQM

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Leonid Berezhnoy, RW9JZ
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia —
Valery Zhilyaev, UP4L
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Asia — Igor Khrennikov, RA9CMO
Multi operator Single Transmitter AsiaRW9C

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Igor Pestov, RN4W
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Alex Nudel, UR7GO
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Saulius Zalnerauskas, LY5W
Multi operator Single Transmitter Europe — Serge Shepelin RU4W, Mats Strandberg RM2D (op. at RM5A)

Single operator All band High Power North America — Bob Garrett, K3UL
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — Bill Myers, K1GQ
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power North America
— Dave Goodwin, VE9CB
Multi operator Single Transmitter North America — David Robbins K1TTT, Charles Morrison N1RR, Allen Singer N2KW (op. at AA2A)

Single operator All band High Power Oceania — John Plenderleith, 9M6XRO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Knud Jørgen Olesen-Jensen, VK2OXZ
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Oceania
— Gary Hinson, ZL2IFB (op. at ZM4G)

Single operator All band High Power South America — Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU
Single operator Assisted All band High Power South America — Ville Hiilesmaa, PY2ZEA (op. at PS2T)

Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band High power — Kim Östman, OH6KZP (op. at OH2BH)
Single operator All band Low power — Jukka Suonpää, OH3JP
Single operator All band QRP
— Risto Tiilikainen, OH2BT
Single operator Assisted All band High power
— Timo Pohjola, OH1TM (op. at OH1F)
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Tore Andersson, SC0N
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — n/a
Single operator All band High power Rookie — Bill Søbstad, LA8FTA
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Rookie
— Niko Vanhatalo, OH5CZ (op. at OH5AG)
Single operator All band High power Tribander/Single-element — Claes Carneheim, SM0MPV (op. at 8S0C)
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Tribander/Single-element
— Jukka Suonpää, OH3JP
Single operator All band High power Wire-only — Anton Teterin, OG2K
Single operator All band Low/QRP power Wire-only
— Jan-Eric Rehn, SM3CER (op. at SF3A)
Multi operator Single transmitter — Roy Almedal LA5KO, Thomas Jenssen LB5HG (op. LA2AB)
Multi operator Multi transmitterOG9X, OH5KS, OH5LF, OH5NQ, OH6XX, OH7CW (op. at OH5Z)

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band Low Power Africa — Kari Hirvonen, OH2BP (op. at EA8DED) NOTE: LP because there was no High Power entry

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Sergey Podmarkov, RU9I
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia — Michail Vasiliev, R9AB
Multi operator Single transmitter Asia A61BK, A61KM, A61DJ, A61BM, A61SM, A41OO, A41OF, 7Z1TT (op. at A61BK)

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (op. at RM5A)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Vedran Carapovic, 9A7DX
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Saulius Zalnerauskas, LY5W
Multi operator Single transmitter EuropeFerenc Kincses HA5MY, Tibor (Tibi) Nemeth HA7TM ( HG7T)

Single operator All band High Power North America — Fred Laun, K3ZO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — Ken Clymer, NK3Y

Single operator All band High Power Oceania
— Vector Aliendry, YB5BOY
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Lee Moyle, VK3GK

Single operator All band High Power South America
— Ville Hiilesmaa, PY2ZEA (op. at PS2T)
Single operator All Assisted band High Power South America — Carlos Moreira, PT7ZT

Outside Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques

Worked most LA — Stefan Getzov, LZ2PS (Sponsor: Morten Kvernmoen, LA9DFA)
Worked most OH — Rimgaudas Almonaitis, LY3BB (Sponsor: Kim Östman, OH6KZP)
Worked most OZ — Boris Beznosko, EU6DX (Sponsor: Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA)
Worked most SM — Gennadij Kulikov, UA4PN (Sponsor: Fernebo Contest Team, SK3W)
Worked most TF — Derrick Webber, G3LHJ (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
Best YL/XYL — Helga Ferrante, IN3FHE (Sponsor: Veijo Kontas, OH6KN)
Best AF — Toni Betancor, EA8BQM (Sponsor: Jari Talkara, OH1BOI)
Best NA — Fred Laun, K3ZO (Sponsor: Hans Johansson, SM0IMJ)
Best SA — Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU (Sponsor: Peter Andersson, SM6MCW)
Best Baltic — Rimgaudas Almonaitis, LY3BB (Sponsor: Jyrki Nieminen, OH6CS)
Best Baltic Low Band — Saulius Zalnerauskas, LY5W (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Best UK + Republic of Ireland — Bryn Tinton, G3SWC (Sponsor: Olof Lundberg, G0CKV)
Best European Russia — Dmitry Bashtavenko, UC7A (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Best Asiatic Russia — Mike Nabokin, R9GM (op. at RD8D) (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Most QSOs — Olivier Seizelet, F1AKK (Sponsor: Contest Club Finland)
Most multipliers — Olivier Seizelet, F1AKK (Sponsor: Rune Wande, SM5COP)
CW: Best BY — Dale Yu, BA4TB (Sponsor: Mats Ericson, SM4EPR)
CW: Best JA — Masaki Okano, JH4UYB (Sponsor: Jouko Häyrynen, OH1RX)
CW: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Alexander Borozdinov, RT3O (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Best QRP outside Europe (> 150 QSOs) — n/a (Sponsor: Juha Cederlund, OH3RF)
CW: Best HS — Svante Nordenström, HS0ZDY (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)
SSB: Best BY — Nan Kai, BG8INK (Sponsor: Esa Korhonen, OH7WV)
SSB: Best JA — Tetsuo Kitou, JH1CML (Sponsor: Jouko Häyrynen, OH1RX)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Holger Wendt, DL7SP (Sponsor: Contest Club Finland)
SSB: Best HS — Ralph Browne, HS0ZHC (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)

Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques

CW + SSB: Best YL/XYL — Rosel Zenker, DL3KWR (op. at OZ6SYL) (Sponsor: Ulf Melin, SB3W)
CW: Best accuracy (> 300 QSOs) — Mika Siira, OH8MBN (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Best Low Power Single Wire — Henning Andresen, OZ1BII (op. at OU2I) (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Highest Scoring Multi Operator Remote — n/a (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
CW: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Per Eklund, SM2LIY (op. at SJ2W) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 300 QSOs) — Ingemar Fogelberg, SM5AJV (op. at SK3W) (Sponsor: Tomas Vikman, SC3A)
SSB: Highest Scoring Multi Operator Remote — n/a (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
SSB: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Teemu Korhonen, SM0W (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)

SAC 2015 Preliminary Results

The SAC 2015 preliminary results are ready. prel-results-2015

Please check your score! If you find something is wrong email us: After five days from now, we will make the score final and also add a list of the plaque winners.

UPDATE 2015-11-11
We have now added the UBN-files to the preliminary listings.
Click on the on the Call in the list, to view the UBN-file.

SAC Contest Committee

It’s time to get ready for SAC SSB

microphoneThe Polar Battle continues and it’s soon time for the second round in SAC SSB 10-11 of October.

The SAC CW gather more than 1700 participants. Despite dreadful propagation, you are all heroes that kept our Scandinavian receivers pumping with your CW signals. Now, it’s time get ready for SAC SSB. We will love to hear your voices from all corners of the globe.

Put on your radios, and be sure to set the mode button to SSB!

SAC SSB: 10-11 October 1200 – 1159 UTC

Don’t forget to announce your activity for SAC SSB! Inspire others with you plans!