SAC CW 2015 is over

SAC CW 2015 i over and the poor propagation improved somewhat on Sunday with the possibility to make transcontinental QSO’s even on the 10 meters band. We are happy to see that many of you didn’t give up, but stayed on the air until the end on Sunday. 


The SAC Robot din’t want us to show his photo, so he sent us this artwork instead.

The first 15 minutes after the contest, we found out that our Log Robot was complaining about the last hours of QSO’s in your logs. The problem was the we had told the Robot wrong end time. This was fixed at around 12.15 UTC. So if you encountered any problems with the Robot, not accepting your last  hours of QSO’s when submitting your log, you can re-submit your log again to get everything correct. If you did not get any complaints from the Robot, everything should be fine, and you don’t need to re-submit your log again. Please check the claimed score listings to check your score. Select your region in the Claimed Score menu above.

The SAC CC will look through the all the submitted logs, to see that everything is OK and correct the Robot’s mistakes if necessary.

UPDATE  (2015-09-24 20.00 UTC)
We have now corrected the claimed scores for those who had “TIME” trouble.

SAC CW is today!

Today Saturday 19th September at 1200 UTC is SAC CW hitting the ionosphere!

Set-up your logging program and tune up you radios for this years Polar Battle on CW. Scandinavians will fill the bands, eager to make lot’s of QSO with all corners of the World.

Why not making the thrill of contesting even more interesting by uploading your summary sheet automatically to real-time scoring board at ? It’s easy and most logging programs support this very nice feature. Some of the SAC participants even stream real time video and audio from their shack. So be sure to take a look and see how the Scandinavians do contesting.

Start planning for SAC CW now!

voacap-sacSAC CW 2015 is getting closer. It’s only a few weeks left until SAC CW 19-20 September. It’s time to start planning your participation in the Polar Battle. 

Check the updated rules and choose your operator category wisely. Let others know your plans and announce your activity, it will be published immediately on the CW or SSB activity list.

If your are outside Scandinava, why not take to the opportunity to check out the new VOACAP SAC propagation charts by Jari OH6BG. It’s an excellent and simple tool to use. Just enter your QTH Locator and select CW or SSB for making detailed forecasts for each Scandinavian area. Go to 



voacap-prop-plannerIf you are in Scandinavia, you may want to make a detailed world-wide propagation analysis with the VOACAP Propagation Planner! It’s very easy to use. Go to




The rules for SAC 2015 has been updated. We have added some new things and tried to make the rules easier to understand.

Here are some of the highlights from SAC Rules 2015:

  • UPDATED: Log submission deadline is 7 days. We have decided to keep the 7 days deadline. If you have any trouble submitting your log within the 7 days, please contact, before the deadline expires. 
  • New OVERLAY for Scandinavian stations:  WIRE-ONLY for stations that uses the same single wire antenna for all bands.
  • OVERLAYS are now handled like overlays and not like own categories.
  • We have redefined station location to: “All transmitters and receivers must be within a single 500-meter diameter circle. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters and receivers.”

We hope to hear you all on the air in SAC 2015!

  • CW: 19-20 September 12.00 – 11.59 UTC
  • SSB: 10-11 October 12.00 – 11.59 UTC

We recommend everyone to read the rules!
If any questions or comments please contact us by email:!

SAC Contest Committee

SAC Plaques on their way

This week we have started to ship the SAC Regular Plaques. So please look out for some “metal” in the mail.  Sometime it can take more than several weeks, up to a month, before the plaques enters your mailbox. We appreciate an email, as a feedback, to when your plaque has arrived. 


The SSA HQ (Sveriges Sändareamatörer) is helping us with the plaques and we are very grateful for all the work they put in. Thanks a lot Therese and Jonas! All plaque winners are presented here!

SAC CC Committee

SAC Survey 2015 Result

Thanks to all who responded to the SAC Survey. Your input is very valuable to further develop the contest for the upcoming years. The survey has been compiled into a downloadable report, in order to give feedback to everyone interested in SAC.


One highlight from the survey is that we need to keep up and increase the activity from Scandinavia in order to make SAC more attractive for everyone. Another thing we need to look into is to further clarify some of the current rules. Overall SAC is highly appreciated all over the world, something to be proud of.

Download the sac-survey-results-2015 (PDF) and take some time to read it through. Especially the free text comments are very interesting.

SAC Contest Committee

Ingemar SM5AJV, team leader
Bjørn LB1GB
Henning OZ1BII

SAC 2014 Results Booklet and SAC Survey

The SAC 2014 Results Booklet is now available in PDF format (5 Mb) for your reading pleasure, here. It contains the full contest results, along with contest stories written by participants from different parts of the world. Thanks to all who contributed to the booklet, and to Flemming, OZ8XW, for taking care of the layout!

We’d also like to invite you to take a survey on SAC.
We are eager to develop the contest in the best possible manner, and obtaining your input is crucial to this process. The previous SAC survey from 2012 led to direct changes as inspired by your input, and we feel that now is an opportune time to measure “the pulse” again.



sac-surevey-2015Please click here to enter the survey, and spread the word to your friends as well. The survey will be available until Sunday, May 10th, after which we will summarize and publish the results.

SAC Contest Committee


We are now pleased to announce the final results of the Scandinavian Activity Contest 2014, after a number of adjustments to the preliminary results were made during the five-day review period. We’d like to thank you for your observations, and will continue to work on improving the log checking process and the clarity of the rules text. 

Over 2200 logs were submitted on CW and SSB, signifying a healthy SAC! There is still room to grow, and we will keep looking for ways to increase activity both within and outside Scandinavia to ensure a fun time for all. A PDF Results Booklet will be released in the near future, including the tabulated results, soapbox comments, and longer contest stories and photographs collected from a number of SAC participants.

We would like to congratulate the following winners of our regular and sponsored plaques:

Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW

Single operator All band High power — Jukka Klemola, OH6LI (op. at OH0V)
Single operator Assisted All band High power — Morten Kvernmoen, LA9DFA (op. at LI3C)
Single operator All band Low power — Kari Korhonen, OH5TS
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Dan Hultgren, SM5IMO (op. at SG5W)
Single operator All band Low power Rookie — no particpant
Single operator All band Low power Tribander/Single-element — Mats Ericson, SM4EPR (op. at SK4EA)
Single operator All band QRP — Juha Cederlund, OH3RF
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — Bo Andersson, SM6FPG
Multi operator Single transmitter — Teemu Korhonen SM0W, Thomas Carlsson SM0CXU (op. at SM0W)
Multi operator Multi transmitterOH1HS, OH1MM, OH1NOA, OH1RX, OH1TM (op. at OH1F)

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques CW

Single operator All band High Power Africa — Bengt Thorbjörnsson, CT9/SM5ALJ

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Vladimir Falshunov, UA9KAA
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia — Yuri Kurinyi, RG9A

Multi operator Single Transmitter Asia — Vladimir Zybaylov, R9IR, Sergey Podmarkov,RU9I (op. at UI9I)

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Vladimir Rybin, RA6GW
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Sergey S. Rebrov, UT5UDX (op. at UT0U)
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Saulius Zalnerauskas, LY5W
Multi operator Single Transmitter Europe9A3NM, 9A5CM, 9A5TO, 9A7DX, (op. at 9A5Y)

Single operator All band High Power North America — Allen Singer, N2KW (op. at AA2A @K1TTT)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — George I Wagner, K5KG

Single operator All band High Power Oceania — John Plenderleith, 9M6XRO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Frank Hunt, ZL2B

Single operator Assisted All band High Power South America — Ville Hiilesmaa, PY2ZEA
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power South America — Frank Francisco Buchanan, LU7YWC

Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band High power — Mikael Larsmark, SM2WMV (op. at SJ2W)
Single operator Assisted All band High power — Tapani Nisula, OH5BM
Single operator All band Low power — Jussi-Pekka Sampola, OH6RX
Single operator Assisted All band Low power — Martin Bjorkman, SM5XSH(op. at SE5S)
Single operator All band Low power Rookie — Mikael Johansson, SA2CEM
Single operator All band Low power Tribander/Single-element — Jukka Suonpää, OH3JP
Single operator All band QRP — Jan Erik Thomte, LA1DSA
Single operator Assisted All band QRP — Mats Sundin, SM0FPR
Multi operator Single transmitter — Martti Laine OH2BH, Pekka Holstila OH2TA (op. at OH0AM)
Multi operator Multi transmitterSM5PHU, SM3SGP, SM5EPO, SM5AJV, SM0SHG, SA5BJM, SA0BVX (op. at SK3W)

Outside Scandinavia — Regular plaques SSB

Single operator All band Low Power Africa — Kari Hirvonen, EA8/OH2BP

Single operator All band High Power Asia — Choigonjav Chadraabal, JT1CO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Asia — Charilei Ho Chi Ming, VR2XMT
Multi operator Single transmitter Asia— Can Kurtulmus,TA1CR, Tevfik Aydin “Tev” Kazancioglu, TA1HZ (op. at TC2C)

Single operator All band High Power Europe — Mitrut Marius, YO3CZW (op. at YP0C)
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Europe — Marko Zivkovic, OU5A (op. at YT2T)
Single operator Assisted Low band High Power Europe — Rimgaudas Almonaitis, LY3BB
Multi operator Single transmitter EuropeFerenc Kincses HA5MY, Tibor (Tibi) Nemeth HA7TM ( HG7T))

Single operator All band High Power North America — Donald Karvonen, K8MFO
Single operator Assisted All band High Power North America — Willliam T Brady, N4LA
Multi operator Single transmitter North America — Donald Edward Moman, VE6JY, Avard Mann VA6MA (op. at VE6JY)

Single operator All band High Power Oceania — Yohanes Budhiono, YB2DX
Single operator Assisted All band High Power Oceania — Abbas Capr, YC9WIC
Multi operator Single transmitter OceaniaYB3BX, YB3KK, YC3FZ, YD3BND, N1IP (op. at YB3ZCD)

Single operator All band High Power South America — Thomas Carlsson, PY2ZXU
Single operator All Assisted band High Power South America — Vagner Adelino Alvarez, PY5DC

Outside Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques:

Worked most LA — Vladimir Scherbakov, RA3Y (Sponsor: Morten Kvernmoen, LA9DFA)
Worked most OH — Bryn Tinton, G3SWC (Sponsor: Kim Östman, OH6KZP)
Worked most OZ — Mike Bulatov, RT4W (Sponsor: Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA)
Worked most SM — Istvan Vajda, HA3MY (op. at HG3M) (Sponsor: Fernebo Contest Team, SK3W)
Worked most TF — Janis Oskars Vanags, YL3AD (Sponsor: Thorvaldur Stefansson, TF4M)
Best YL/XYL — Maria Gangl, OE3MFC (Sponsor: Veijo Kontas, OH6KN)
Best AF — Kari Hirvonen, EA8/OH2BP (Sponsor: Jari Talkara, OH1BOI)
Best JA — Rin Fukuda, JG1VGX (Sponsor: Jan Hubach, OH1ZAA)
Best NA — Donald Karvonen, K8MFO (Sponsor: Hans Johansson, SM0IMJ)
Best SA — Ville Hiilesmaa, PY2ZEA (Sponsor: Peter Andersson, SM6MCW)
Best Baltic — Rimas Baltusis, LY6A (Sponsor: Jyrki Nieminen, OH6CS)
Best Baltic Low Band — Saulius Zalnerauskas, LY5W (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Best UK + Republic of Ireland — Bryn Tinton, G3SWC (Sponsor: Olof Lundberg, G0CKV)
Best European Russia — Vladimir Scherbakov, RA3Y (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Best Asiatic Russia — Yuri Kurinyi, RG9A (Sponsor: Mats Strandberg, SM6LRR (RM2D))
Most QSOs — Marko Zivkovic, OU5A (op. at YT2T) (Sponsor: Contest Club Finland)
Most multipliers — Marko Zivkovic, OU5A (op. at YT2T) (Sponsor: Rune Wande, SM5COP)
CW: Best BY — Dale Yu, BA4TB (Sponsor: Esa Korhonen, OH7WV)
CW: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Alexander V. Novichikhin, UA3QAM (Sponsor: Henning Andresen, OZ1BII)
CW: Best QRP outside Europe — Alexander Bogachenko, RA9SO (Sponsor: Juha Cederlund, OH3RF)
SSB: Best BY — Huang Jian Peng, BD7IS (Sponsor: Esa Korhonen, OH7WV)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 200 QSOs) — Vladislav Kvapil, OK1JOC (Sponsor: Contest Club Finland)
SSB: Best HS — Ralph Browne, HS0ZHC (Sponsor: Markku Korhonen, OH8UV)

Scandinavia — Sponsored plaques:

CW: Best accuracy (> 300 QSOs) — Henrik K. Moller, OZ6TL (Sponsor: Ojojoj Music AB, SM2DMU)
SSB: Best accuracy (> 300 QSOs) — Martin Björkman, SE5S (Sponsor: Ojojoj Music AB, SM2DMU)
CW + SSB: Best YL/XYL — Marita Ritmala-Castren, OH5KIZ (Sponsor: Ojojoj Music AB, SM2DMU)
CW: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Per Eklund, SM2LIY (op. at SJ2W) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)
SSB: SOAB HP Unassisted Sweden — Mikael Larsmark, SM2WMV (op. at SJ2W) (Sponsor: Mikael Larsmark, SJ2W)

Everyone may now retrieve their PDF awards for printing by browsing the results page and clicking the number in front of your callsign. Your detailed log check report is available by clicking your callsign.

We look forward to seeing you again this autumn!
Please mark 19-20 September (CW) and 10-11 October (SSB) in you calendars already now.

SAC Contest Committee



SAC 2014 Preliminary Results

The SAC 2014 preliminary results are ready. This year, the log checking took somewhat longer time than previous years. In some categories the final scores were very tight and we had to do several runs of detailed manual judging.

Please check your score! If you find something is wrong email us:
After five days from now, we will make the score final and also add a list of the plaque winners.

UPDATE 2015-02-27
The following Scandinavian calls were found being listed in the wrong category and have been moved from SINGLE-OPERATOR LOW TB-WIRES to SINGLE-OPERATOR-ASSISTED  LOW.

SAC Contest Committee