Contest: 2024-SAC-CONTEST Call: OH6BA Category: Single Op All Band High Power Overlay: WIRE-ONLY Processed: 2024-11-08 15:54:00 ************************** Summary *************************** 445 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 432 Final QSO after checking reductions 950 Raw QSO points 922 Final QSO points 93 Raw mults 92 Final mults 88350 Raw score 84824 Final score 2.9% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 4.0% score reduction 1 (0.2%) not in log 3 (0.7%) incorrect calls 9 (2.0%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 1 (0.2%) duplicates removed 1 (0.2%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 13 26 8 Final 80M 13 26 8 Raw 40M 132 284 27 Final 40M 130 280 26 Raw 20M 237 499 35 Final 20M 229 482 35 Raw 15M 61 136 21 Final 15M 58 129 21 Raw 10M 2 5 2 Final 10M 2 5 2 Raw All 445 950 93 88350 Final All 432 922 92 84824 ************************* Not In Log ************************* 14025 CW 2024-09-22 0602 OH6BA 372 S50R 214 *********************** Incorrect Call *********************** 14025 CW 2024-09-21 1257 OH6BA 103 IK3VIT 47 correct IK3VUT 21025 CW 2024-09-21 1331 OH6BA 146 LZ1DMT 65 correct LZ1DQ 21025 CW 2024-09-21 1400 OH6BA 173 K7IV 97 correct K7SV *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 14025 CW 2024-09-21 1221 OH6BA 45 SN7J 12 correct 11 14025 CW 2024-09-21 1245 OH6BA 84 HA8TP 5 correct 4 14025 CW 2024-09-21 1255 OH6BA 100 M1X 35 correct 65 21025 CW 2024-09-21 1350 OH6BA 162 F6AUS 36 correct 26 7022 CW 2024-09-21 1537 OH6BA 235 DL1DTL 104 correct 14 7027 CW 2024-09-22 0426 OH6BA 342 S52W 48 correct 176 14025 CW 2024-09-22 0558 OH6BA 362 UN8PT 216 correct 226 14025 CW 2024-09-22 0626 OH6BA 405 UR7VA 7 correct 77 14025 CW 2024-09-22 0632 OH6BA 419 HA3OU 419 correct 107 ********* Unique Calls Receiving Credit (not removed)********* 14025 CW 2024-09-21 1311 OH6BA 127 IK8YTF 11 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 7027 CW 2024-09-22 0426 OH6BA 342 S52W 48 correct 176 C ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 2 5B EA 15M multiplier total 21 5B 9A CT DL E7 EA F G GI HA HB I JA K LZ OK ON S5 SV UN YO 20M multiplier total 35 5B 9A DL E7 EA EI ER F G GI GM GW HA HB I K KH6 LY LZ OE OK OM ON PA PY S5 SP SV UN UR VE YO YU Z3 ZA 40M multiplier total 26 5B 9A DL E7 EA EA6 ES F G HA I K LY LZ OE OK OM ON PA SP UR VE YL YO YU ZA 80M multiplier total 8 DL HA LY LZ SP UR YL YO ************* Stations Copying OH6BA Incorrectly ************* 7016 CW 2024-09-21 1624 OM7AG 42 OH6BBA 276 ********** Stations Receiving Not In Log From OH6BA ********** 21023 CW 2024-09-21 1324 IK4RVY 71 OH6BA 85 28017 CW 2024-09-22 0805 EA2AZ 399 OH6BA 272 ******** Stations Copying OH6BA Exchange Incorrectly ********* 14024 CW 2024-09-21 1307 DK6QW 14 OH6BA 118 correct 119 14000 CW 2024-09-21 1308 DL2VER 3 OH6BA 1 correct 120 14022 CW 2024-09-21 1503 PE1PIX 18 OH6BA 79 correct 179 3519 CW 2024-09-21 1641 YL3JD 21 OH6BA 185 correct 285 7018 CW 2024-09-22 0341 W1FJ 161 OH6BA 405 correct 305 7016 CW 2024-09-22 0409 EA3EE 27 OH6BA 561 correct 335 14025 CW 2024-09-22 0622 UY7LM 206 OH6BA 389 correct 399