Contest: 2024-SAC-CONTEST Call: JN4MMO Category: ALL_H_DX Processed: 2024-12-12 07:32:55 ************************** Summary *************************** 234 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 230 Final QSO after checking reductions 236 Raw QSO points 232 Final QSO points 90 Raw mults 90 Final mults 21240 Raw score 20880 Final score 1.7% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 1.7% score reduction 0 (0.0%) not in log 0 (0.0%) incorrect calls 4 (1.7%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 0 (0.0%) duplicates removed 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 0 0 0 Final 80M 0 0 0 Raw 40M 1 3 1 Final 40M 1 3 1 Raw 20M 41 41 27 Final 20M 41 41 27 Raw 15M 136 136 41 Final 15M 134 134 41 Raw 10M 56 56 21 Final 10M 54 54 21 Raw All 234 236 90 21240 Final All 230 232 90 20880 *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 21030 CW 2024-09-21 1341 JN4MMO 87 OZ1IKY 131 correct 130 21054 CW 2024-09-21 1346 JN4MMO 90 OH3RF 36 correct 37 28028 CW 2024-09-22 0640 JN4MMO 140 OH2CV 138 correct 938 28013 CW 2024-09-22 0809 JN4MMO 171 SM5IMO 115 correct 1151 ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 21 LA7 LA8 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OZ0 OZ1 OZ5 SM2 SM3 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM9 15M multiplier total 41 LA0 LA1 LA2 LA3 LA4 LA5 LA6 LA7 LA8 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OX2 OY1 OZ0 OZ1 OZ2 OZ3 OZ4 OZ5 OZ6 OZ7 OZ8 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM9 TF3 20M multiplier total 27 LA0 LA2 LA3 LA4 LA5 LA9 OH0 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OX2 OY1 OZ5 OZ8 SM0 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 TF3 40M multiplier total 1 OH1 ************ Stations Copying JN4MMO Incorrectly ************* 21031 CW 2024-09-21 1405 SE5A 14 JA9MMO 99 28028 CW 2024-09-22 0640 OH2CV 938 JA4MMO 140 21010 CW 2024-09-22 0711 LC2F 391 JN3MMO 149 28016 CW 2024-09-22 0856 LC7X 442 JA4MMO 180 21000 CW 2024-09-22 0916 LA6M 54 JN1MMO 188 ******** Stations Copying JN4MMO Exchange Incorrectly ******** 21048 CW 2024-09-21 1252 OH8WR 41 JN4MMO 37 correct 47 21015 CW 2024-09-21 1317 SB7S 127 JN4MMO 66 correct 67 21014 CW 2024-09-21 1359 SM6EAT 85 JN4MMO 97 correct 96 14017 CW 2024-09-22 1116 OH4MDY 288 JN4MMO 122 correct 222