Contest:     2024-SAC-CONTEST
Call:        N4QS
Category:    ALL_H_DX
Processed:   2024-12-12 07:32:55

************************** Summary ***************************

     118 Raw    QSO before checking (does not include duplicates)
     117 Final  QSO after  checking reductions

     118 Raw    QSO points
     117 Final  QSO points

      59 Raw    mults
      59 Final  mults

    6962 Raw    score
    6903 Final  score

    0.8% error rate based on raw and final qso counts
    0.8% score reduction
      0  (0.0%) not in log
      0  (0.0%) incorrect calls
      1  (0.8%) incorrect exchanges
      0  (0.0%) missing exchanges
      0  (0.0%) duplicates removed
      0  (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

            Band   QSO   QPts  Mult

   Raw       80M     0      0     0
   Final     80M     0      0     0

   Raw       40M     0      0     0
   Final     40M     0      0     0

   Raw       20M    13     13    11
   Final     20M    13     13    11

   Raw       15M    68     68    29
   Final     15M    67     67    29

   Raw       10M    37     37    19
   Final     10M    37     37    19

  Raw        All   118    118    59      6962
  Final      All   117    117    59      6903

*************** Incorrect Exchange Information ***************

21040 CW 2024-09-21 1307 N4QS      8   OG1D    116  correct   106

************************ Multipliers *************************

10M multiplier total 19

  OH0   OH1   OH2   OH5   OH6   OH7   OH9   OX2   OZ0   OZ1 
  OZ3   OZ8   SM2   SM3   SM4   SM5   SM6   SM7   TF3 

15M multiplier total 29

  LA0   LA2   LA3   LA4   LA5   LA8   LA9   OH0   OH1   OH2 
  OH3   OH4   OH5   OH6   OH7   OH8   OH9   OY1   OZ5   SM0 
  SM1   SM2   SM3   SM4   SM5   SM6   SM7   SM9   TF3 

20M multiplier total 11

  LA3   LA8   OH0   OH2   OH7   OH8   OZ1   SM2   SM3   SM6 

************* Stations Copying N4QS Incorrectly **************

21048 CW 2024-09-21 1309 OH8WR    67   N4QI     11 
21000 CW 2024-09-21 1329 SM6EAN  100   N4QH     32 
21046 CW 2024-09-21 1655 SE6K     48   N4ZQ     85 

********* Stations Copying N4QS Exchange Incorrectly *********

21051 CW 2024-09-21 1510 SM9F    139   N4QS     64  correct 63
21039 CW 2024-09-21 1516 OY1CT   344   N4QS     65  correct 66
21029 CW 2024-09-21 1806 SD0W    392   N4QS      2  correct 102
14032 CW 2024-09-21 1820 OH8L    604   N4QS    107  correct 108