Contest: 2024-SAC-CONTEST Call: SM6NZA Category: Single Op All Band High Power Processed: 2024-12-12 07:32:55 ************************** Summary *************************** 334 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 325 Final QSO after checking reductions 756 Raw QSO points 735 Final QSO points 96 Raw mults 93 Final mults 72576 Raw score 68355 Final score 2.7% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 5.8% score reduction 1 (0.3%) not in log 2 (0.6%) incorrect calls 6 (1.8%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 2 (0.6%) duplicates removed 2 (0.6%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 50 101 19 Final 80M 50 101 19 Raw 40M 44 89 15 Final 40M 43 87 14 Raw 20M 172 385 33 Final 20M 167 374 32 Raw 15M 55 146 19 Final 15M 53 140 18 Raw 10M 13 35 10 Final 10M 12 33 10 Raw All 334 756 96 72576 Final All 325 735 93 68355 ************************* Not In Log ************************* 28022 CW 2024-09-22 1154 SM6NZA 335 9H1PI 290 *********************** Incorrect Call *********************** 14023 CW 2024-09-21 1945 SM6NZA 71 N2ZO 12 correct N2ZA 14040 CW 2024-09-22 0826 SM6NZA 232 ED1VDL 126 correct DL1VDL *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 14047 CW 2024-09-21 1901 SM6NZA 32 ES2JJ 12 correct 13 7015 CW 2024-09-21 2012 SM6NZA 106 M0TDW 62 correct 162 14040 CW 2024-09-22 0828 SM6NZA 236 SP2EWQ 113 correct 112 14040 CW 2024-09-22 0842 SM6NZA 265 ON6LO 203 correct 200 21017 CW 2024-09-22 1137 SM6NZA 310 VK2EZF 42 correct 32 21017 CW 2024-09-22 1138 SM6NZA 311 7L4MDM 5 correct 105 ********* Unique Calls Receiving Credit (not removed)********* 14047 CW 2024-09-21 1915 SM6NZA 48 W1SPI 1 21020 CW 2024-09-22 1158 SM6NZA 336 AO50MRG 1 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 14047 CW 2024-09-21 1901 SM6NZA 32 ES2JJ 12 correct 13 C 7015 CW 2024-09-21 2012 SM6NZA 106 M0TDW 62 correct 162 C 21017 CW 2024-09-22 1137 SM6NZA 310 VK2EZF 42 correct 32 C ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 10 5B 9H CE CT EA JA K PY UN ZD7 15M multiplier total 18 5B 9A EA F HS I JA K LU LY LZ OK OM UN UR VE YO YU 20M multiplier total 32 5B 9A 9H CT DL E7 EA EA8 EI F G HA HB HS I K LY LZ OK OM ON PY S5 SP UN UR VE YB YO YU Z6 ZA 40M multiplier total 14 5B DL E7 EA EI HA I LY OK OM PA SP UR YO 80M multiplier total 19 5B DL E7 F G GM HA I LY LZ OE OK OM PA SP UR YL YO YU ************ Stations Copying SM6NZA Incorrectly ************* 14000 CW 2024-09-21 1902 ES2JJ 13 SM6MZA 33 ******** Stations Copying SM6NZA Exchange Incorrectly ******** 14047 CW 2024-09-21 1855 PY4HO 42 SM6NZA 21 correct 20 28023 CW 2024-09-22 1100 CE2DX 36 SM6NZA 184 correct 284 21017 CW 2024-09-22 1120 UN0LM 282 SM6NZA 202 correct 292 21017 CW 2024-09-22 1132 LY5W 614 SM6NZA 315 correct 305