Contest: 2024-SAC-CONTEST Call: SD3T Operators: Category: Single Op All Band High Power Processed: 2024-12-03 18:35:51 ************************** Summary *************************** 412 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 387 Final QSO after checking reductions 845 Raw QSO points 792 Final QSO points 83 Raw mults 78 Final mults 70135 Raw score 61776 Final score 6.1% error rate based on raw and final qso counts 11.9% score reduction 2 (0.5%) not in log 17 (4.1%) incorrect calls 6 (1.5%) incorrect exchanges 0 (0.0%) missing exchanges 3 (0.7%) duplicates removed 2 (0.5%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ********************** Results By Band *********************** Band QSO QPts Mult Raw 80M 1 2 1 Final 80M 0 0 0 Raw 40M 14 28 7 Final 40M 13 26 7 Raw 20M 184 370 28 Final 20M 175 351 26 Raw 15M 181 376 33 Final 15M 169 351 32 Raw 10M 32 69 14 Final 10M 30 64 13 Raw All 412 845 83 70135 Final All 387 792 78 61776 ************************* Not In Log ************************* 14277 PH 2024-10-12 1302 SD3T 31 PA7KCC 1 3500 PH 2024-10-12 1718 SD3T 213 DL3AN 114 *********************** Incorrect Call *********************** 28567 PH 2024-10-12 1213 SD3T 3 AV2K 13 correct PV2K 14277 PH 2024-10-12 1259 SD3T 27 HA/DP1ESB 3 correct HA/PD1ESB 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1315 SD3T 41 DP8DR 28 correct SP8DR 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1324 SD3T 46 PD2DSP 37 correct PD2GSP 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1331 SD3T 54 DC8GJ 15 correct DC8SJ 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1352 SD3T 79 F4IGB 16 correct F4IYB 21323 PH 2024-10-12 1527 SD3T 122 DK8TF 2 correct DK9TF 21323 PH 2024-10-12 1530 SD3T 127 LZ5E 185 correct LZ6E 21323 PH 2024-10-12 1536 SD3T 138 YO8EU 30 correct YQ8E 21338 PH 2024-10-12 1658 SD3T 196 F8FUK 2 correct F8FLK 21338 PH 2024-10-12 1700 SD3T 198 DM1NDC 22 correct M1DNC 14286 PH 2024-10-12 1720 SD3T 214 ZB2/OH9MM 97 correct 5B/OH9MM 7199 PH 2024-10-12 1745 SD3T 233 DL3AM 125 correct DL3AN 14187 PH 2024-10-12 1830 SD3T 262 DW4VW 110 correct DK4VW 14277 PH 2024-10-13 0857 SD3T 281 M0FNR 173 correct MS0FNR 21293 PH 2024-10-13 0945 SD3T 333 IK8JND 339 correct IK8UND 28535 PH 2024-10-13 1024 SD3T 367 IV2IDP 39 correct IV3IDP *************** Incorrect Exchange Information *************** 21338 PH 2024-10-12 1634 SD3T 171 DO2IK 70 incorrect exchange 21293 PH 2024-10-13 0950 SD3T 343 PA3DRK 6 correct 5 21293 PH 2024-10-13 0951 SD3T 345 4Z5OI 15 correct 105 21293 PH 2024-10-13 1011 SD3T 362 HB9CRY 182 correct 184 21293 PH 2024-10-13 1013 SD3T 364 F4JHQ 67 correct 60 21350 PH 2024-10-13 1050 SD3T 388 PC0A 383 correct 380 ********* Unique Calls Receiving Credit (not removed)********* 14141 PH 2024-10-12 1515 SD3T 118 OE3CSO 1 14187 PH 2024-10-12 1836 SD3T 268 OK1NA 1 ********************** Lost Multipliers ********************** 28567 PH 2024-10-12 1213 SD3T 3 AV2K 13 correct PV2K C 3500 PH 2024-10-12 1718 SD3T 213 DL3AN 114 Not in log C 14286 PH 2024-10-12 1720 SD3T 214 ZB2/OH9MM 97 correct 5B/OH9MM C 14187 PH 2024-10-12 1830 SD3T 262 DW4VW 110 correct DK4VW C 21293 PH 2024-10-13 0951 SD3T 345 4Z5OI 15 correct 105 C ************************ Multipliers ************************* 10M multiplier total 13 D4 EA F HB I K LZ PY S5 SV UN YO Z6 15M multiplier total 32 DL EA EI ER F FY G GI GM GU GW HA HB I JA K LU LZ OE OK OM ON PA PY S5 SP SV TA UN UR YO Z6 20M multiplier total 26 9A DL E7 EA EI F G GU GW HA HB I LY LZ OE OK OM ON PA S5 SP TA UR YL YO YU 40M multiplier total 7 DL F G LY LZ PA SP ************* Stations Copying SD3T Incorrectly ************** 14277 PH 2024-10-12 1259 HA/PD1ESB 3 SD3TSD 27 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1350 OK1IGR 15 SD4T 77 14141 PH 2024-10-12 1512 S51CK 120 SD2T 116 21339 PH 2024-10-12 1628 PY2QT 99 SD6T 168 14188 PH 2024-10-12 1835 OM6AT 77 SD2T 266 21351 PH 2024-10-13 1058 TA6B 56 SD6T 396 21350 PH 2024-10-13 1111 S51CK 380 SD6T 411 ********** Stations Receiving Not In Log From SD3T *********** 14150 PH 2024-10-12 1719 DL3AN 114 SD3T 213 ********* Stations Copying SD3T Exchange Incorrectly ********* 14277 PH 2024-10-12 1251 SQ3TGN 4 SD3T 18 correct 19 14296 PH 2024-10-12 1406 IU0QDP 16 SD3T 99 correct 95 21250 PH 2024-10-12 1551 DO1SSB 18 SD3T 163 correct 162 7200 PH 2024-10-12 1738 PC0A 173 SD3T 327 correct 227 14188 PH 2024-10-12 1817 F1ADG 25 SD3T 45 correct 245 14187 PH 2024-10-12 1829 LZ7X 133 SD3T 60 correct 260