After cancelling year 2022 SAC we now come back in 2023 with two fresh contest weekends and YOU are invited to participate. Right now we are preparing the new ideas that will come with the 2023 SAC tests and we look forward to announce the news on this page during the springtime.
Let us say loud and clearly; No one is more sad of this situation than us, the SAC CC members, who only want to make a good Contest experience.
SAC CC consists of four members from four different Nordic countries and the individual countries’ organizations have different ideas about how to handle the ongoing war in Ukraine in the context of amateur radio contesting often referred as radiosport.
Each of us had to follow the statements of our respective organizations and we had no other solution than to cancel 2022 Contests.
The SAC Contest Committee has unanimously decided to cancel this year’s two sections of the Contest. Our decision has been made due to the ongoing war in the region and in consideration of the IARU declaration about friendship between people. We hope that the situation will change for the better, so that we can once again compete against each other as the SAC rules dictate.
From the IARU web page ( “IARU is an apolitical organization focused on promoting and defending amateur radio and the amateur radio services. The amateur radio service is about self-instruction in communications and friendship between people.”
Decided on July 15, 2022 by:
LB8DC Morten Kvernmoen OH2BH Martti Laine SM5AJV Ingemar Fogelberg OZ2I Henning Andresen
OnApril 16 2021 SAC-CC announced: As a result of the technical developments as well as the more and more advanced operator skills, SAC CC wants to introduce innovations in the rules. There is also a reason for changes due to the many contests that are taking place and to retain a reasonably number of participants in SAC.
We then invited all participants to take part in a survey that could give us some hints in wich direction you wanted us to go. We got response from more than 250 participants and after review of all input we now we have four main points.
Mixed Mode contest with SSB and CW in the same single weekend. SO categories SSB/CW/Mixed. MO categories Mixed.
All stations may contact All stations
Adding 160 meter band
Defining more Overlays
Here are the four questions and how the participants voted
The question about OVERLAY was answered with many different suggestions and since it is technically a question of the way we present the results, we have postponed it until we have found out the categories and which bands we should use.
The next phase will begin after the SAC-CC members meeting later this year. Keep an eye on this website for upcoming information.
The SSB part of Scandinavian Activity Contest will take place 9. October 12 UTC – 10. October 12 UTC
Each part of this “Polar Battle” gathers 1000+ contesters from all around the world. SAC offers non-Scandinavians a unique opportunity to work the propagationally challenged Arctic nations and practice your skills. From the CW part in September this year we have received almost 1400 logs and out of the received logs we can see that more than 1500 have participated. This is nearly the same numbers as in CW 2020.