On April 16 2021 SAC-CC announced:
As a result of the technical developments as well as the more and more advanced operator skills, SAC CC wants to introduce innovations in the rules. There is also a reason for changes due to the many contests that are taking place and to retain a reasonably number of participants in SAC.
We then invited all participants to take part in a survey that could give us some hints in wich direction you wanted us to go. We got response from more than 250 participants and after review of all input we now we have four main points.
- Mixed Mode contest with SSB and CW in the same single weekend.
SO categories SSB/CW/Mixed. MO categories Mixed. - All stations may contact All stations
- Adding 160 meter band
- Defining more Overlays

The question about OVERLAY was answered with many different suggestions and since it is technically a question of the way we present the results, we have postponed it until we have found out the categories and which bands we should use.
The next phase will begin after the SAC-CC members meeting later this year.
Keep an eye on this website for upcoming information.